Monday, December 22, 2014

R.I.P. Harley!!

Saturday, December 20th, was the worst day of my life.  Harley hadn't been feeling well for a few days, puking and not eating.  So a vet appointment was made.  We did some blood work to find out that Harley had kidney failure that was beyond repair.  So the decision had to be made to have him put to sleep.  I don't think I've cried so much in my life!  

Harley was my first baby, we got him when we were pregnant with Evan.  So to let him go was extremely hard.  The memories creep in and I find myself either smiling or crying…..mostly crying.  The kids are doing alright too, we're all finding our own ways to heal our hearts where Harley is missing.  Harley has been a part of their lives since they were born……so to not have him around…..there is an obvious void.  Even Brutus still searches for him, and he has become more 'needy' than typical for himself.  I caught myself crying today as I vacuumed the floors……Harley would typically chase around the vacuum, what I wouldn't give to have him chase that darn vacuum again!!

Harley would have turned 9 years old next month!  I sure hope his first Heavenly Birthday is the best!!

Harley:  January 28, 2006 - December 20, 2014

This is the first day we brought home Brutus……I love how protective Harley was (is) with his kids!  He had this same protectiveness with Ella too!!  :}

This picture was taken back in March of this year……makes me smile!!

This is an awful picture of everyone but Harley……and I typically wouldn't post it, but this is one of the last pictures that was taken of Harley.  I sure am going to miss this little guy!!  He was the best for cuddling!!  :}

Rest In Peace Harley……You were Loved dearly and we miss you like crazy!!  Love Daddy, Mommy, Evan & Ella!!


Diana Lesjak said...

So sorry Stacy- it is so hard losing a beloved pet. Keep a close eye on Brutus as I have known friends whose surviving dogs had had trouble with broken hearts- keep him busy and active! Hugs to you all!

Elling Family said...

Thanks Diana!! Yes, we are keeping a close eye on Brutus. My heart breaks for him too cause he's always had Harley around too……such a painful event for everyone to go through.