Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend Fun!!

This picture of Joe is from the Blizzard of 2007!! There was tons of snow piled up at my mom and dads house.....our nephews were outside Joe thought he would join in on the fun! Quite Cute!! Can't wait till he's able to do this with Evan. And the last picture is of Evan and Corbin....we hung out with Corbin at my mom and dads this past Sunday.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Favorite Picture

I wanted to quickly share one of my very favorite pictures of Evan and I. Joe took this one in the hospital the day after Evan was born. It pops up every now and then on my screen saver and I really enjoy I wanted to share it with you all. What a little angel!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

6 Month Pictures

Please enjoy the few pictures I've posted for Evan's 6 month pictures. For my family...I'll have these and the rest I took on a CD and you guys can pick which one(s) you want me to print for you. And for anyone else that wants a picture....just let me know. You can pick from these ones or I can let you see the rest and you can pick from there. These ones below are a few of my favorites.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


What a long last two days!! BGSU was actually closed for two days because of the weather. Which is very unusual for a University. Therefore Joe and I were able to stay home with Evan and play! Hope everyone made it through the storm ok.

Evan turned 6 months young yesterday! What a big guy. He's sitting all on his own....but he's been doing that since about 4.5-5 months old, drinking out of a sippie cup....and holding it all on his own. We still have yet to see any teeth....but some days he's cranky enough to make us believe they are coming soon. He's always loved to stand up and he's now beginning to stand leaning up against the furniture.

Please enjoy the pictures below. For having two days off you would have thought I would have taken his 6 month pictures....but I didn't......I slacked off. We're going to take them this weekend, so hopefully I'll have some to share next week.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Random Pictures

What a great weekend we had!! Friday night out with Joe's family and Saturday night out with my family. Sunday was relaxing and recovering! Hope everyone had a good weekend too.

Joe hates this one because he claims I accidentally cut off Evan's head......I thought it turned out great.....and it was intentional.
Cute profile
Funny face
Good Buddies
Ready to cause some mischief

Friday, February 09, 2007

Quick Update....

Well the Dr. said that Evan's eye condition is just clogged tear ducts. Therefore we go back in two weeks to get his tear ducts 'popped'. Basically they stick a needle in there to open them up and hope that the tears start flowing instead of clogging. This is the first step.....if it doesn't work then we go back for an advanced probe. So obviously we're hoping this first time works.

I must also say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite brother!! :) He will turn 21 tomorrow, the 10th, and we're taking him out for the evening. Should be a great time.......Love You Ross!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Pre-Six Month Pictures

Well it's been a while since I've updated this.....sorry. Here are some random pictures I took of Evan last night in preparation for his six month pictures. I'll probably end up doing them myself, so I wanted to play around with some ideas. Hopefully when the time comes he won't: try to eat his fist, drool like a monster, have any more eye gunk or have the scratch across his forehead!!

I'm taking Evan to the eye specialist tomorrow (Wednesday) to see what can be done to clear up his eyes. Poor guy can't even get them open in the morning until Joe or I clean them with a hot washcloth......he's very unhappy too when he can't see. Mornings are great!! :) Enjoy the pictures. Please feel free to comment about your favorite setting.....whole bed, close up, with the dog, etc. It will make my decision easier when picture time comes. I've also got some other settings in mind....but didn't include them here.