Thursday, April 08, 2010

Easter Fun!!

Gotta love the holidays......the excitement in the kids' eyes getting their presents/baskets of candy, spending time with our families, feeling like the weekend went way too fast, kids not taking naps and being cranky.....wait.....perhaps I need to rethink that first statement!! ;)

Of course it's busy and hectic and the kids don't get their naps like they should, but it's always great to spend time with the ones we love. Here are some pictures from our Easter weekend.

The baskets and presents the Easter Bunny left for the kids

Egg hunt at my mom and dad' year it's either bigger baskets or fewer eggs. Every kid made a killin during this hunt. My mom bought tons of eggs. :)

Ella taking Quinlyn (spelling?) for a strool.
We 'cat napped' in the truck from my mom and dad's to Joe's mom and dad's.

Ella's driving......I'm outta here!! :) This one makes me laugh.
These three are quite the pair, Hadley tried to squeeze in....but the car was pretty full already.
I can see these next two pictures when they are all 16.......yikes!

Let the egg hunt begin.....Evan had to start in the back yard while the girls worked the front yard.

Looks like someone hit the jackpot.
I was cracking up about the static in the 'house'!!
Think I scared her
That's one crazy girl......gotta love her!!

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