Monday, November 26, 2012

'Roughing It'

At the end of June a horrible storm ripped through our county, and half of the US!!  We were very fortunate compared to some!  We had 2-3 square of shingles and tar paper torn off our house and a square off the garage........both resulted in water damage inside the house and garage!  We've finally gotten a new roof put on and are slowly getting the damages inside fixed!  The storm left us without power for quite a we did what any normal family would do......we generated our camper and camped in our driveway!!  Much easier to generate that as opposed to the whole house.
There were bonfires......
and sparklers......because it was almost the Fourth of July!  The moon was soooo bright most nights, made for some cool pictures.

Maybe 4 days after we lost power (and were still out) the campground we camp at got their power we pulled out of the driveway and went there!!  Always a good time with our good friends!  They were without power at home as as soon as we got word about the campground, we both headed out!!

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