Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wiles' Trials

I've added another blog to my sidebar. Jason & Megan Wiles......Megan was a college roommate of mine and some days I thought Jason was too!! I've just recently caught up with her on facebook (gotta love facebook). And they have just announced that Jason is currently battling esophageal cancer. If you have the time, you should read the complete blog from the beginning. You will truly be inspired by this family!! They have such faith, given the circumstances, that it will really make you reassess your relationship with God (at least it did me).

If you don't have time to read the entire blog, what they are really asking for are prayers! Prayers for strength, patience, wisdom.....everything that you can lose track of when you are put into this whirlwind. If you have stories of your own battle with cancer or someone you know, they would love to hear if you have time to share with them, please do. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Take care, and say a prayer!

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