Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 4th (a little late!!)

We had a wonderful 4th weekend. Of course Joe was home and the kids and I had tons of fun hanging out with him for the long weekend. We always go to Lisa's party, and this year we let the kids swim in her pool w/ the bigger kids. They loved it!! We probably got there around 6pm and they swam until 10pm....only getting out to pee and eat. They had a blast!! The fireworks for Van Wert were on Monday night. And it's our tradition to watch them from our porch. Well, this year I was watching them solo. Joe had to leave early in the morning, so he went to bed early. And the kids were exhausted from a busy weekend, so they went to bed early......so it was just me and the dogs!! Kinda nice and peaceful. :}

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