Evan turned 6 months young yesterday! What a big guy. He's sitting all on his own....but he's been doing that since about 4.5-5 months old, drinking out of a sippie cup....and holding it all on his own. We still have yet to see any teeth....but some days he's cranky enough to make us believe they are coming soon. He's always loved to stand up and he's now beginning to stand leaning up against the furniture.
Please enjoy the pictures below. For having two days off you would have thought I would have taken his 6 month pictures....but I didn't......I slacked off. We're going to take them this weekend, so hopefully I'll have some to share next week.
I don't know if it's possible...six months already?! Not a day goes by he doesn't get cuter. Much love to little mister! I'M VERY JEALOUS ABOUT YOUR SNOW DAYS!!
Yes....I heard you all had a little bit of ice down there!! Hopefully you survived it all ok
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