So I met up with Jamie this morning to take Gavin's 18 month pictures! We were a little worried about the weather, but it turned out to be a really nice morning. Gavin wasn't quite sure about me at first....but we were fast friends once he realized he was allowed to just play outside and run around!! He was great to work with Jamie and we even caught a few of his smiles in some of the pictures.....I won't say what mom was doing behind me to get those smiles!! :) Thanks Gavin I had tons of fun and hopefully we'll play again. ENJOY
Thanks to my babies and my love I had a great mothers day. Words can't express the love I have for these two. My life has forever been changed by Evan and Ella. They are two completely different personalities....Evan was my first precious baby. And Ella is my greatest challenge! I Love you two more than you'll ever know and more than I'll ever be able to express.
What a beautiful weekend!! We did lots of playing outside and helping daddy work in the yard. The toys in the following pictures are from when Joe was a kid!! How incredible. Joe's mom and dad have kept the toys and they are in pretty good shape and it's so much fun to watch Evan and Ella play with the toys that daddy played with when he was little.
This is our life.......some days completely fun and some days a little frustrating! But our life none-the-less. I love my family and my life and I have a good time documenting it in our blog!! I hope you enjoy visiting. :} Thanks for stopping by.