Friday, May 30, 2008


Is this not the most adorable poker face you've ever seen???

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hadley 3 Months

Here a few pictures of miss Hadley that I did this weekend for Mark and Jac....she said she was posting some on her blog...but I have yet to see them. Hopefully she'll have more for everyone soon. I hope you guys like these!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Test Subject

Does this lens make my head look big?? :) I sure am enjoying playing with my new lens....just need to refine it a bit and then I'll be able to put it to good use. But for now here's a funny picture.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Holden James Price

Here's the little guy!! Well little is relative....he was 9lbs 20z 21in. Megan had him last night right before midnight, so his birthday is May 19th. Landon was pretty excited and I'm sure Ashlyn will be a big help once mommy comes home with Holden.

Congrats Guys!! He's adorable.

Macayla 3 Months

I had the pleasure of doing Macayla's 3 month pictures this past weekend....and I hope that Jess and Doug like these. I've posted a few of my'll have to check their blog for more once they decide which ones to post. She's such an adorable little girl and she was very easy to work with!! Even though mom thought she would be cranky. :)

Check out those bright eyes!

I just loved this chair! I really wanted Doug to move it...but he wasn't really into re-decorating their place. Maybe next time.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sweet Child of God

This past weekend we had Ella Baptised at St. John's....everything went really well and she was baptised with her cousin Macayla. We could have asked for better weather....but we can't get everything we want!! Check out Jess and Doug's website for more pictures of the day.

And for Mother's Day my wonderful husband let me buy a new lens for my camera!! Stay tuned for some exciting pictures.... :) Thanks Honey!! I Love You

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Outside Fun

Well it's been a busy few last weeks....but we've finally got our grass planted!! Yeah.....we owe a big thanks to John and Kay for helping outside and with the kids.....Thank You so much! Here are a few fun pictures we took outside last night.

And a little note to Cooper....we need you to come out and give Brutus some swimming lessons! :) Joe threw him off the dock and he wasn't quite sure.....he made it back to shore but it wasn't pretty. Hopefully he'll get the hang of it and swim with ease by the end of the summer.

Just try to make me go inside..... :)
Strutting his stuff like daddy
Some serious work boots
A cool picture when daddy and Evan were throwing rocks in the pond
Brutus' first swimming lesson...he did ok